Saturday, January 2, 2010

Insyirah sedang mengalami growth spurt??

Dah dua hari aku di rumah mertua...hari isnin ni baru aku pulang ke kota tinggi. Sejak semalam, Insyirah takut sangat tengok atuknya...tak tahu kenapa. Melalak2, menggigil2 sebab takut. hairan sungguh aku hehehe takleh ditegur oleh atuknya terus melalak...tambah2 kalau time tu atuknya pakai kopiah, lagi la dia takut heheheh tah apa kena la anak aku tu..

Kemudian satu lagi perubahan, Insyirah kuat minum susu...selang sejam wei...dia asyik meragam or fussy. Baru kejap tadi aku teringat pasal GROWTH SPURT. Adakah Insyirah sekarang tengah mengalami growth spurt itu? Aku pun carila info pasal benda ni. Menurut,

Most babies go through several growth spurts (also called frequency days) during the first 12 months.

During a growth spurt, breastfed babies nurse more often than usual (sometimes as often as every hour) and often act fussier than usual.

ye...Insyirah asyik mengamuk sahaja...dan sentiasa nak menyusu..

Tambah lagi,

Common times for growth spurts are during the first few days at home and around 7-10 days, 2-3 weeks, 4-6 weeks, 3 months, 4 months, 6 months and 9 months (more or less). Babies don't read calendars, however, so your baby may do things differently.

Growth spurts don't stop after the first year - most moms notice growth spurts every few months during the toddler years and periodically thereafter on through the teenage years.

Ok, Insyirah nak masuk 8 bulan (8hb ni 8 bulan le dia), so buleh dikira pakai jugak la kan hehehe..ok baca lagi

How long do growth spurts last?

Growth spurts usually last 2-3 days, but sometimes last a week or so.

What is the best way to handle a growth spurt?

Follow your child's lead. Baby will automatically get more milk by nursing more frequently, and your milk supply will increase due to the increased nursing. It is not necessary (or advised) to supplement your baby with formula or expressed milk during a growth spurt. Supplementing (and/or scheduling feeds) interferes with the natural supply and demand of milk production and will prevent your body from getting the message to make more milk during the growth spurt.

Some nursing moms feel more hungry or thirsty when baby is going through a growth spurt. Listen to your body -- you may need to eat or drink more during the time that baby is nursing more often.

Hungry tu memang selalu sangat le kuikuikuikui...

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